My name is András Szűcs, I’m an apiarist from Esztergom. I got close to bees in 2007, when I was doing summer work in Sárisáp at an experienced apiarist.
In 2017 things took a new turn, I got my own hives and I currently work as a primary producer.

My name is Zoltán Varga, I’m an apiarist from Garamkövesd. I lived almost 10 years in Budapest. With my wife, we were able to do voluntary work on eco-farms through the WWOOF organization all around the world. That was the time we realized that people can reside in many places, but can only live in a village. I came across beekeeping in 2002 in Mallorca. The world of bees mesmerized me and I thought that working with them will be useful in the long run.